
About Hashim Sisters

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About Hashim Sisters :
We four!!
Hello everyone!!! This page is about US!!! Though we need no introduction yet this is a formality ;-)

Sameerah Hashim
Date of Birth: 20th of October
Star: Libra
Education: BBA-4 at IBA
E-mail: chamakta_tara@hotmail.com

Humera Hashim
Date of Birth: 7th of June
Star: Gemini
Education: BBA-4 at Bahria institute of Management and Computer Science
E-mail: cooolbreeez@hotmail.com

Muneezah Hashim
Date of Birth: 13th of August
Star: Leo
Education: 2nd Yr. of F.S.C
E-mail: m_rulez@hotmail.com

Sumreenah Hashim
Date of Birth: 13th of July
Star: Cancer
Education: 9th grade
E-mail: sweetnsoar@hotmail.com

About Hashim Sisters Home Page:
We have designed this site to tell you something about us and also to know something about you. Here you can share news by simply going to our message board and posting a new topic regarding your information or by sending us an e-mail. We welcome any suggestions that would help to improve the site. Also as the site is right now under construction there are updates every now and then. So keep visiting to catch the latest and keep in touch. So start mailing us now.


Hashim Sisters
C/O Hashim Syed Mohd. Bin Qasim

Computer Associates Middle East
POB 18560,Riyadh 11425,
Saudi Arabia

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