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Welcome to Hashim Family News

The Great Family Reunion!!!!!!
Atlast......after whole 4 months..the Hashim Family is together again!! Sameerah and Humera have been settled in Pakistan for the past two year. After their semester exams, they both joined back the family in riyadh. Sameera came here a week b4 Humera as she had to wait for her result on 29th of June. Anyhow, all that matters now is that the family is together again, even though not for a very long period of time.
Nikkah Ceremony of Shamama Bano with Salman Laiq

Yess, :) it held on 28th of Feb. 2002. It was a surprising event for Us too, as we got to know about it only ten days before! And we reached Pakistan, only 2 days before the Ceremony. It was quick yet a Wonderfully managed Event, and we all enjoyed it alot. Salman Laiq and his family is really nice, May Allah Bless the New Couple Salman and Shamama with all of His Blessings, Ameen!

Salman Mamoon And Saadia Mami In Riyadh
Finally! After a long period of struggles and uncertainity, Salmaan Mamoon got the visa for Saudi Arabia. He was extremely lucky in the case, as he was appointed for the job the very next day that he arrived in Riyadh.
Saadia Mami also got her visa in the mid of July, and will soon be joining Mamoon in Riyadh, perhaps towards the end of July. Saadia Mami's parents, Jameel Uncle and Farhat Auntie are also settled in Riyadh.

A sad Event in Our Family

29th of June, 2002 was a sad day for all of us, as Rukhsana Jamal, after a long period of sickness, left us in this world. May Allah bless her, and May Allah give solace and patience to the berieved family. Ameen

Click here to view the pictures of our sweety little Cousins


1- Addition of a baby boy in Harith Family.

2- Nummo Dadi in Riyadh, KSA.

3- Sameera and Humera passed their 3rd semester.

4- Shamama now in her final Semester of B-Pharm.

5- Nikkah Ceremony of Shamama with Salman Laiq.

6- Harith's new Car, Honada CRV, a very beautiful Jeep!

Want any Other News, Please Contact, Mr. Syed Mohd. Hashim on hashimfam@hotmail.com.
