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Ali Hussnain Bin Harith
Ali is a beautiful addition to Harith Family, he was born on 16th of June, 2002.

Height at birth: 51 cm

Weight at birth: 3.25 KG

Ali Hussnain Bin Harith
Sweet Little Prince Ali, Second child of Harith Chacha and Manno Phuppo... Isn't he CUTE?!
Welcome Back home Phuppo
We wish you a very happy life with ur Little one!
Ali with his Taya Abbu
Ali in his Taya Abbus's lap, this picture was taken on the day he born (in the hospital)

Ali's Bari Ammi and Dadi Jaan!
Ali sleeping peacefully in Bari Ammi's lap, with his dadi jaan beside him at the first day in his home,17th June,2002.