Ali Hussnain Bin Harith
Ali is a beautiful addition to Harith Family, he was born on 16th of June, 2002.
Height at birth: 51 cm Weight at birth: 3.25 KG
Ali Hussnain Bin Harith
Sweet Little Prince Ali, Second child of Harith Chacha and Manno Phuppo... Isn't he CUTE?! |
Welcome Back home Phuppo
We wish you a very happy life with ur Little one!
Ali with his Taya Abbu
Ali in his Taya Abbus's lap, this picture was taken on the day he born (in the hospital) |
Ali's Bari Ammi and Dadi Jaan!
Ali sleeping peacefully in Bari Ammi's lap, with his dadi jaan beside him at the first day in his home,17th June,2002. |